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Six-word reviews

A little while ago I invited people to submit six-word reviews. Well here they are! Do have a look at that link, especially the comments, where there is a one-sentence story by Tom Pendergast and astute observations.

As I mentioned recently, when writing short-form I think it helps to think in terms of the minimum viable wordage, or MVW. This is the lowest number of words you need in order to get your message across. I borrowed the concept from that of the Minimum Viable Product. It doesn’t quite work because the latter is the product you can get to market with the least amount of investment of resources you can manage. Getting a story or a review down to six words is usually much harder than writing a longer piece.

With that in mind, I hope you will muster up the confidence to submit something to my next challenge, which I’ll announce shortly. In the meantime, enjoy the ones…Continued here