The power of habit

If you want to write consistently on a regular and frequent basis, you don’t have to use technology at all.

Lock yourself away! Photo by Paulo Marcel Coelho Aragão, it can help. I, for example, like to give myself a bit of extra pressure by trying to write articles in half an hour or less, using TimeLeft. I wrote about that in How to write an article in 30 minutes or less. Some people prefer a no-frills wordprocessor such as FocusWriter (see my Review of FocusWriter).

However, I was reminded by Stephen King in his book On Writing that the routine of shutting yourself away until you’ve achieved your daily writing goal is an excellent strategy.

I discovered this a long time ago when I was studying for my ‘A’ Levels (a qualification taken by some English students, usually at 18). I decided to lock myself in my room for about three hours at the same time every evening. I stayed there even if all I managed to achieve was staring out of the window. I did it because I had this crazy notion that if I could acclimatise my body and mind to always being in my room, surrounded by my revision notes and books, at the same time every day, eventually I would start to study and revise out of habit – or sheer boredom!

I can tell you, it definitely works.

Writing is the best thing to do, but putting yourself in a situation where writing is almost inevitable is important too!

Copyright Terry Freedman. All rights reserved.