Editor & main contributor: Terry Freedman. Published in the UK. ISSN 1474-6816
The purpose of this website is to enable me to share ideas about writing, including reviews of books and even films that may have a bearing on the craft of writing. My credentials, in case you’re wondering, are that I’ve been having articles and books published since 1990.
Here are the latest articles on the site:
Three creative writing experiments: stories written in the hardboiled style.
A short review, plus a chance to win a copy of this new book.
Here is a mixture of news, articles and links you might like. A word of warning though: one of the pieces below is pure fiction. I will leave you to determine which one.
was intrigued to discover that a popular news magazine of the sixties had been anticipated by Defoe.
Lois has an arts degree from the University of Oxford, which means that she can tell you everything you need to know about the influence of post-modernism on Latin-American literature in the final quarter of the twentieth century, but she can’t add up.