was intrigued to discover that a popular news magazine of the sixties had been anticipated by Defoe.
Read MoreReview: The Newsmongers -- two reviews in one!

was intrigued to discover that a popular news magazine of the sixties had been anticipated by Defoe.
Read MoreThis book may be thirty years old, but its advice is still pertinent. If you want to have a blitz or crackdown against, or shake-up of, bad writing (all examples of 'tabloidese'), then this is the book for you.
Read MoreIt is easy to believe that ‘fake news’ is a modern phenomenon, brought about by social media and promulgated by politicians. Yet as the British Library’s event, ‘Breaking the News’ exhibition demonstrates, fake news – or that unforgettable phrase ‘alternative facts’ – have been features of news reporting for at least 500 years.
Read MoreDistrust, by Terry Freedman
A new report from the Reuters Institute is disturbing. As usual, journalists are being imprisoned or even killed for simply doing their jobs.
Read MoreDovlatov was a journalist in the then Soviet Union, and this book comprises a series of compromises he was obliged to make, in order to keep his job. What’s interesting to me is that the censorship he describes goes on a very subtle level.
Read MoreThe Ministry of Truth, by Terry Freedman
Journalistic integrity and reader manipulation.
Read MoreSurely it wasn’t that bad?! Photo by Terry Freedman
How would you feel about being called the worst novelist ever?
Read MoreAn Australian news channel has hit upon an astonishingly original idea: a podcast about coronavirus featuring people who have some idea of what they’re talking about.
Read MoreThis is a very useful reference book for anyone who is serious about online journalism.
Read MoreDoes a writer need to have enjoyed a 100% success rate when querying editors in order to teach others how to query? Hopefully not!
Read Morewriters’ reference books, by Terry Freedman
My personal tribute to the sports writer Hugh McIlvanney.
Read MoreThis book may be thirty years old, but its advice is still pertinent. If you want to have a blitz or crackdown against, or shake-up of, bad writing (all examples of 'tabloidese'), then this is the book for you.
Read MoreBut will he dictate even more of what you see?
How will Virtual Reality reportage affect our experience of the news? What are the ethical issues involved?
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