Writers' know-how

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A rather annoying side effect of scanning a typed document and converting it to text

The scream by Terry Freedman.jpg

It was my intention to provide you with a guide to style guides. It’s a manual I wrote some years ago. I came across the printout, and scanned it and then processed it using OCR — optical character recognition. Unfortunately, the resulting document has lost its formatting, and acquired a load of gobbledegook.

Still, some of the text is readable, so it might be of some use. I hope so. In any case, it goes to illustrate something we all knew: technology is not a reliable friend!

If I come across the original document as a digital file, I’ll publish it here.

A guide to styles

While I have your undivided attention, may I suggest that you take a look at my other blog/newsletter, Eclecticism. It features a range of different kinds of writing, and is subscribed to by hundreds of writers.