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Books added to the TBR heap

I was contacted by the PR person at Bodleian Library Publishing to ask whether I’d like to review the Dickens book, which is out on 4th October. I’ve started to read it, and it makes Dickens a lot more accessible to people who are unfamiliar with, or daunted by, his work. I’ll say more when I’ve read a bit more.

‘What Is A Doctor?’ was sent to me by Canongate books. It’s a doctor’s view of how the NHS needs to be changed. That should prove very interesting.

Finally, the Penguin Book of Bengali Short Stories was in the library, and I thought that as I know nothing about the Bengali culture, short stories would probably give me an insight into it. I haven’t started that yet.

This article is an excerpt from a longer one that appeared on my Eclecticism newsletter. Please go there to comment.