Phone cam 2 by Terry Freedman.jpg
Phone cameras have been getting better and better, and these days they easily rival pocket cameras, from a writer’s point of view.
If you have a phone with a camera, using it makes sense because you already have it with you: no need to lug around an extra camera unless you wish to have more creative control or you’ve simply become used to using a camera.
Here are some ideas for using the phone’s cam or video camera:
As an aide-memoir, to remind you of a scene, a building, a person, or an idea.
To record a stimulus picture, for helping you become even more creative when sitting down to write. See, for example, my Photo Prompts series.
To share a photo or video with friends, people in your social networks or even yourself, via email – immediately.
To record an interview with someone you meet.
To record an event you attend.
To record your thoughts about something, talking to the camera.
To take a photo of yourself with a particular sight in the background.
You have a very versatile and powerful camera in your phone; why not use it?!
An earlier version of this article was published in 2012.