Books I'm reading or about to read

I’ve been sent the following books by publishers, and will review them in due course. Here is some information about them.

Scandal at the Alphorn Factory is due out in September. It’s a collection of short-stories by Gary Barwin. I have only just started reading them, but what has struck me already is their sheer variety and inventiveness. I particularly love The Saxophonists’ Book of the Dead, which features John Coltrane, Charlie Parker, and other saxophonists. Hilarious.

Ever wondered how AI apps get their stuff? Yes, we know they’re trained on material, but who sorts through the material to give them? Feeding the Machine looks at what goes on behind the scenes, and it promises to be fascinating, if perhaps grim, reading.

I came across a book recently with the unfortunate title of Love Triangle. It's actually about maths, and in particular how triangles are, apparently, at the basis of loads of things in everyday life, such as streaming music and GPS. I've had a look and it's actually readable! I'm one of those people who left school wondering why I'd had to endure learning about stuff like Pythagorus etc, which is why I was attracted to this book in the first place.

Copyright Terry Freedman. All rights reserved.