It’s always good to be reminded of how to avoid losing a load of work.
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Don't lose your work!
National Backup Day
in News & views
A fifth of Americans never make a backup apparently, according to a recent survey.
Read MoreWith apologies to Edvard Munch
5 Ways to guard against losing your work UPDATED
What could be worse than losing all of your carefully crafted work? Here are 5 ways to protect yourself against that happening.
Read MoreBacking up your Wordpress blog
in How to

Backing up your website or blog
in Handy hints, How to
The word “paranoid” is defined in the Oxford English Dictionary as
“exhibiting unnecessary or extreme fear; characterized by unreasonable or excessive suspicion of others.”
Well, you know the old joke: Just because you're paranoid i doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you!
In a similar sort of way, I don’t think there is anything “unreasonable” in being paranoid about losing the content on your website.