You may have noticed that I read a lot. I’ve outlined my reading plans for 2023…
Read MoreNews & views
Can ChatGPT Create Good Course Outlines?
I’ve been experimenting with using ChatGPT to write course outlines, and for one of the courses I compared the result with the outlines I had already written (and taught to). The results were interesting.
Read MoreCan AI write book reviews?
I thought I would test ChatGPT’s mettle in a rather self-interested way. I write a lot of book reviews — a lot. I have three books I need to review for an education magazine by 21st January, plus two books I need to review for other websites soonish, and I have to write a review of an exhibition for a different education magazine by next week <gulp>.
Therefore I have two (competing) concerns.
Read MoreWriters Earnings in the UK 2022
A couple of days ago I attended the launch of a new report into writers’ earnings in the UK. The quick summary is…
Read MoreEpistolary writing -- it's in the post!
Have you read any works written in the form of letters? Or have you written anything like that yourself? I've been interested in that genre for a long time, so I was delighted when, a few weeks ago, a course came up at the City Lit institute looking at epistolary fiction.
Read MoreCourse: Writing For Blogs -- A Taster Nov 2022
If blogging was a person I can imagine it saying, like James Cagney, "I ain't dead yet!"
Read MoreI don't only write about writing!
I write about literature, life in general, odd things that have happened, the odd bit of fiction, experimental writing.
Read MoreIn the next issue of Write!
In the next issue of my creative nonfiction newsletter for writers, I’ll be covering book writing, translating and the corporate mindset, as well as reviewing seven books for writers.
Read MoreThe value of low-paying gigs (updated)
The next time you’re offered the opportunity to write for a periodical that doesn’t pay as much as you’d like, don’t just dismiss it out of hand.
Read MoreWhat's the point of book reviews -- updated with further thoughts
So many authors think they ought to be the recipient of the Nobel prize for literature.
Read MoreMy Queen and I
A personal tribute.
Read MoreWhat's the point of book reviews?
I should have thought that part of the purpose of a book review is to tell potential readers whether the book is actually any good or not.
Read MoreBlogging: not dead yet
Every so often I read a blog post or a ‘commentary’ on Twitter by some self-appointed guru or other saying that blogging is passé.
Read MoreThe point of pointless writing (Updated)
Coming soon in the Write! newsletter
In addition to an update of my recent rejection story, the latest issue of my newsletter for creative nonfiction writers contains the following…
Read MoreBeware the ultracrepidarians
I’ve sat and listened politely while someone who has never written a thing in his life assured me that having a book published is tantamount to owning a money printing machine because of the earning of royalties.
A slow motion rejection revisited
Despite thirty years of success, one rejection was enough to dent my self-confidence. Self-doubt is never comfortable.
Read MoreA slow motion rejection (Updated)
Just in case I might get too complacent, a malignant Fate decreed that an article I’ve spent hours on has been rejected — by the person who commissioned it.
Read MoreNational Writing Day 2022: resources, reviews and tips
It’s the 23rd June 2022, and this year’s National Writing Day. Here are links to reviews of useful books about writing, resources for use in schools (some are good for adults too!) and top tips (ditto).
Read MoreWriting the Oulipo: A taster update
This course is running tomorrow (18 June 2022), and I’ve added a few more exercises for people to try out.
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