Some useful literary techniques
(Best used sparingly though!)
Books on writing and other stuff, by Terry Freedman
Where you use words that begin with the same letter, such as: The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club; Sense and Sensibility.
Where you start each sentence with the same words. Example: the poem IF.
Similar to alliteration but using the same vowel sounds, such as: Jack ran to the sand.
Where you end each sentence with the same word. Example: I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
This is where you repeat a word in the same sense. For example, my advice to you is to write, write, write!
This is a condition in which one sense is experienced as another, eg colours experienced as sounds. Examples:
“She smelled the way the Taj Mahal looks by moonlight.” Raymond Chandler.
“David [Bowie] sees the world through abstract but precise details. Before we wrote Let's Dance, he walks in one day with a Little Richard album cover. Little Richard is wearing a red suit, and he's getting into a red Cadillac, and his hair is out to there. And David says, "Nile. That's rock'n'roll. That's what I want my record to sound like."” Nile Rogers. (Quoted on the IMDB website.)
The rule of three
This is where you have three ideas or concepts in a sentence. For example, I would say this article is concise, useful and apposite. I think this adds a nice balance to a sentence.