Far from being late all the time, I am ridiculously early. We all know that there’s nothing worse than a convert (just try smoking within a mile of where I’m sitting if you’re not convinced of the veracity of this statement).
Read MoreOn being late

Guild Gazette
Far from being late all the time, I am ridiculously early. We all know that there’s nothing worse than a convert (just try smoking within a mile of where I’m sitting if you’re not convinced of the veracity of this statement).
Read MoreImage from John Hain on Pixabay
It seems to me that for satire to work it has to walk a fine line between being so close to reality that it’s not funny, and so far-fetched that it’s not credible.
Read More(Corrected) This article is around 50 years old. Unfortunately, it is still pretty relevant.
Read MoreTerry, thinking
Since when has “discreet” meant “small”?
Read MoreThere’s nothing wrong with legitimate criticism — in fact, it should be welcomed. But don’t mistake nasty put-downs for useful advice.
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