Why do some writers write badly? Plus links to examples of bad writing.
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The Raygor reading level graph
The Professional Writer: Make your text readable
What is readable by a particular age group today may not be readable by that same age group tomorrow.
Read MoreA fascinating read
Why don't people finish reading long articles on the internet?
in Research
Apparently, the average read-through rate (who knew such a measurement existed?) on Medium is 40%. So why do people tend to not see an article through to the bitter end?
Read MoreIs bad writing deliberate?

Why do some writers write badly?
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Check the readbility of your writing with this free online tool.
Read MoreBrevity definitely IS the soul of wit
This afternoon I found myself in an emotionally challenging superfluous text situation. In other words, I became somewhat “wound up” by having to waste my time reading a long-winded sentence that was clearly designed to demonstrate the erudition of the writer rather than facilitate the understanding of the reader.
10 attributes of professional writers -- #4: Make it readable
"This is on the level of an 11 year old." That was the verdict of an article I'd written as part of a writing course I'd been invited to attend by a magazine I was writing for at the time.
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